
Synergetics design and innovation services offer a broad range of solutions for organisations that are in the process of optimising existing, and developing new, technologies, products and processes. Synergetics promotes innovation by working collaboratively with product designers, specialist manufacturers and researchers to optimise and test new technologies.
Side by side images of simulated flow through a tubular dryer, and a photo of the steel dryer during construction.

Figure 1: Synergetics used CFD to optimise air flow through a copra dryer. This improved throughput and reduced energy consumption of the final design.

Synergetics design and innovation services include:

  • virtual prototyping using computer aided engineering (CAE) simulation tools, such as computational fluid dynamics (CFD);
  • using numerical modelling to optimise fluid flow through a range of different devices, facilities and processes, including small-scale medical devices, building ventilation systems, wind energy systems and large-scale industrial and chemical processes;
  • expert engineering advice to optimise flow and heat transfer;
  • designing an innovative, award winning, ventilation system to improve safety when painting trains;
  • simulating transport physics to optimise handling, transport and storage of granular materials;
  • collaborating with clients to develop design-cycle programs to ensure that product development goals are reached;
  • collaborating with clients to identify innovative and best-in-class solutions to complex design problems;
  • calibrating designs and determining operational characteristics;
  • using control systems analysis to optimise process flow through large industrial facilities;
  • developing novel instrumentation for the measurement and management of data for environmental processes;
  • design of innovative extraction systems to capture process emissions in a variety of settings;
  • optimisation of fans and ventilation;
  • reviewing literature and existing patents for the purposes of understanding current best-practice;
  • designing and managing research projects and experiments;
  • carrying out non-routine measurements and statistical analysis of complex experiments;
  • peer-reviewing technical and scientific work carried out by third parties;
  • liaising with major research institutions, such as CSIRO and various universities, and with analytical laboratories;
  • preparing grant applications to secure government and private funding; and
  • securing patents for novel products and designs.

Three pairs of images, each showing a 3D geometry of a health inside a multi hearth furnace, and the simulated carbon monoxide concentrations. Each pair of images is for a different air inlet configuration.
Figure 2: Synergetics used CFD to test a range of proposed design solutions for a multi hearth furnace. This image shows that changing the lower-level air inlet configuration will have a significant impact on carbon monoxide concentrations at higher levels in the furnace.