
Key outcomes

  • Environmental effects statement delivered
  • EPA and local council requirements satisfied

A major sand-mining operation engaged Synergetics to conduct an air quality assessment for the purpose of an Environmental Effects Statement (EES). This involved both the measurement of present dust ground level concentrations, and the prediction of future levels as a result of revised mining plans.

Synergetics owns and operates a number of high quality environmental measurement devices including high-volume samplers for fine and total suspended particulates. This measurement capability has been invaluable in a number of projects similar to this one.

Synergetics staff conducted air quality and dust modeling using both Ausplume and Calpuff dispersion models. Synergetics’ meteorological expertise also played a key role in selecting and appropriately modifying the meteorological data set for the modelling.

Both onsite measurements and air quality modelling results were used as the basis for the proposed sand mining operations’ EES. By closely consulting with stakeholders and leveraging their strong relationships, Synergetics helped satisfy the environmental requirements of both the EPA and local council.

Modelled long term average concentrations of PM10 from a sand mine.

Figure 1: Air quality modelling result for the proposed sand mining operation, showing coloured contours of PM10 concentration.

For further air quality examples see our air quality page.